Herb List

1. 解表藥 Herbs that Release the Exterior

1-1辛溫解表 Warm, Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior

1-1-1發汗解表 Herbs that Induce Sweating and Release the Exterior

1-1-2去風解表 Herbs that Expel Wind and Release the Exterior

1-1-3去風通鼻竅 Herbs that Expel Wind and Unblock the Nasal Passage

1-2辛涼解表 Cool, Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior

1-2-1疏散風熱 透疹 Herbs that Disperse Wind-Heat and Vent Rashes

1-2-2退熱除煩 Herbs that Reduce Fever and Eliminate Irritability

1-2-3疏散風熱 明目 Herbs that Disperse Wind-Heat and Clear the Eyes

2. 清熱藥 Herbs that Clear Heat

2-1清熱瀉火 Herbs that Clear Heat and Sedate Fire

2-1-1清肺胃熱 Herbs that Clear the Heat in the Lungs and Stomach

2-1-2清熱除煩 Herbs that Clear Heat and Eliminate Irritability

2-1-3清肝熱 Herbs that Clear the Heat in the Liver

2-2清熱涼血 Herbs that Clear Heat and Cool the Blood

2-3清熱燥濕 Herbs that Clear Heat and Dry Dampness

2-4清熱解毒 Herbs that Clear Heat and Relieve Toxicity

2-4-1清熱解毒 Herbs that Clear Heat and Relieve Toxicity

2-4-2 清熱解毒 利咽喉 Herbs that Clear Heat, Relieve Toxicity, Benefit the Throat

2-5清虛熱 Herbs that Clear Deficient Heat

2-6清熱解暑 Herbs that Clear and Relieve Summer heat

3. 瀉下藥 Herbs that Drain Downward

3-1 攻下藥 Purgatives

3-2 潤下藥 Laxatives

3-3 峻下逐水藥 Cathartics

4. 利水滲濕藥 Herbs that Drain Dampness

4-1 利水滲濕 Herbs that Promote Urination to Resolve Dampness

4-2 利水通淋 Herbs that Promote Urination to Treat Stranguria

4-3 利濕退黃 Herbs that Resolve Dampness and Reduce Jaundice

4-4 利水消腫 Herbs that Promote Urination and Reduce Edema

5. 袪風濕藥 Herbs that Dispel Wind-Dampness

5-1 袪風濕 解表 Herbs that Dispel Wind-Dampness

5-2 袪風濕 舒筋活絡 Herbs that Dispel Wind-Dampness and Unblock the Collaterals  

5-3 袪風濕 強筋骨 Herbs that Dispel Wind-Dampness, Strengthen the Sinews and Bones

6. 化痰止咳藥 Herbs that Transform Phtegm and Stop Coughing

6-1 化痰藥 Warm Herbs that Transform Cold-Phlegm

6-2 清化熱痰藥 Herbs that Cool and Transform Phlegm-Heat

6-3 止咳平喘藥 Herbs that Relieve Coughing and Wheezing

7.芳香化濕藥 Aromatic Herbs that Transform Dampness

8.消食藥 Herbs that Relieve Food Stagnation

9.理氣藥 通脾胃氣機 Herbs that Regulate the Stagnant Qi of the Spleen and the Stomach

9-1 通脾胃氣機 Herbs that Regulate the Stagnant Qi of the Spleen and the Stomach

9-2 疏肝理氣 Herbs that Spread and Regulate the Liver Qi

9-3 溫腎行氣 Herbs that Warm the Kidney and Promote the Movement of Qi

9-4 通胸中氣滯 Herbs that Unblock Qi Stagnation in the Chest

10. 理血藥 Herbs that Regulate the Blood

10-1 止血藥 Herbs that Stop Bleeding

10-1-1 涼血止血 Herbs that Cool the Blood and Stop Bleeding

10-1-2 收斂止血 Herbs that Restrain to Stop Bleeding

10-1-3 化瘀止血 Herbs that Transform Blood Stasis and Stop Bleeding

10-1-4 溫經止血 Herbs that Warm the Womb and Stop Bleeding

10-2 活血藥 Herbs that Invigorate the Blood

10-2-1 行氣活血 Herbs that Invigorate the Blood and Promote the Qi-Movement

10-2-2 止痛活血 Herbs that Invigorate the Blood and Stop Pain

10-2-3 去瘀活血 Herbs that Invigorate the Blood and Dispel Stasis

10-2-4 通經活血 Herbs that Invigorate the Blood and Unblock Menstruation

10-2-5 破血去瘀 Herbs that Break up Blood Stasis and Dissolve Accumulation

11. 溫經去寒藥 Herbs that Warm the Interior and Expel Cold

12. 補虛藥 Herbs that Tonify the Deficiency

12-1 補氣藥 Herbs that Tonify the Qi

12-1-1 補脾肺氣 Herbs that Tonify the Qi of the Spleen and Lung

12-1-2 補脾胃氣 Herbs that Tonify the Qi of the Spleen Stomoach

12-2 補陽藥 Herbs that Tonify the Yang

12-2-1 補腎藥 Herbs that Tonify the Liver and Kidney

12-2-2 去風寒濕 Herbs that Expel Wind-Cold-Dampness

12-2-3 補肝腎固精 Herbs that Tonify the Liver and Kidney, Secures the Essence

12-2-4 補脾腎陽 Herbs that Tonify and Warm the Yang of the Spleen and Kidney

12-2-5 潤腸通便 Herbs that Moisten the Intestines, Facilitate Passage of Stool

12-2-6 補肺益腎 Herbs that Tonify the Lung and Kidney

12-3 補血藥 Herbs that Tonify the Blood

12-3-1 補血滋陰 Herbs that Tonify the Blood and Nourish the Yin

12-3-2 補血活血和血 Herbs that Tonify, Invigorate, and Harmonize the Blood

12-3-3 補肝血 Herbs that Tonify Liver Blood

12-3-4 補養心脾 Herbs that Tonify and Augment the Heart and Spleen

12-4 補陰藥 Herbs that Tonify the Yin

12-4-1 補肺胃陰 Herbs that Nourish the Yin of the Lung and Stomach

12-4-2 補肝腎陰 Herbs that Nourish the Yin of the Liver and Kidney

13. 苦澀藥 Herbs that Stabilize and Bind

13-1 止汗 Herbs that Inhibit Sweating

13-2 止瀉固精 Herbs that Stop Diarrhea and Stabilize the Essence

13-3 固精 Herbs that Stabilize the Essence

13-4 止瀉 Herbs that Stop Diarrhea

13-5 止咳 Herbs that Arrests Coughing

14. 安神藥 Herbs that Calm the Spint

14-1 重鎮安神藥 Herbs that Anchor, Settle, and Calm the Spint

14-2 養心安神藥 Herbs that Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit

15. 開竅藥 Aromatic Herbs that Open the Orifices

16. 平肝熄風藥 Herbs that Calm the Liver and Extinguish Wind

16-1 平肝濳陽 Herbs that Calm the Liver and Anchor the Yang

16-2 熄風止筋 Herbs that Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors

17. 驅蟲藥 Herbs that Expel Parasites

18. 外用藥 Herbs for Topical Application

19. 噁吐藥 Herbs that Expel Phlegm by Inducing Vomiting

20. 禁用藥物 Obsolete Substances

20-1 超過容許值毒性藥物 Substances with Unacceptable Toxicity

20-2 保育動物禁用藥物 Subsatnces from Endangered Species